This evening I will be giving a talk on ‘Livaeable Cities’, and how the concept could be applied to Bath, as part of the opening night of the Festival of the Future City.
Come along to what will no doubt be a facinating and hopeful look at how we can transform Bath (and other cities) into sustainable, greener, more pleasant places to live.
Here’s the blurb from the festival organisers:
Cities like Melbourne, Vienna, Vancouver, Copenhagen are held up to be the world’s most ‘liveable cities’. What about the UK? Though smaller, Bath enjoys qualities that are the envy of many other cities, a thriving cultural scene, a high proportion of independent shops, outstanding green space, world class heritage and a compact walkable centre, but is there room for improvement? Organised by local architects Stride Treglown, exciting speakers explore, in a rapid PechaKucha format, what we can learn from other liveable cities and ultimately produce a manifesto of ideas and recommendations for the city.
With speakers Silvana de Soissons (Foodie Bugle), Rob Barnard-Weston (Groundswell), Marc Dix (LT Studio Landscape Architects), Dominic Tristram (Bath Green Party), Adam Reynolds (Cycle Bath), Phil Hampshire (3Adapt), Ian Parkes & Eirini Christofidou (Stride Treglown), Charles Brindley (Active Thinking), Katharine Reeve (Bath Spa University). Concluding with Andrew Grant (Grant Associates),in a shared event with the Widcombe Association.